Virtually together.
We know education is an ever-changing environment. That means adapting to new technology, tools, methods, and strategies to ensure English learners receive the instruction and support they deserve. If you have students engaged in online learning, we are ready to support your work.
We value in-person relationship building but we live in a fast-paced world and sometimes online services fit our client needs. Our team is experienced in providing consultation, professional learning, small group or individual planning sessions, and even remote instructional coaching options via video conferencing platforms.
Supporting English Learners in a Virtual Environment
Whether instruction is delivered using synchronous or asynchronous methods, our team of educational consultants can support:
Implementation of adopted materials with a focus on supporting multilingual learners.
A consistent structure teachers can use for Designated ELD Instruction to support English learners at all proficiency levels.
A Designated ELD lesson planning and delivery guide so teachers can meet students’ academic language needs.
Instructional coaching to support Designated and Integrated ELD, student engagement strategies, and best practices for ELs in an online classroom.
An accountability system for administrators and teachers to ensure English learners are practicing and developing English based on their current proficiency levels.
Ready to connect wherever your classroom is.
We achieve results, online or off.
We are ready to support your district with the online tools you are currently using and can help augment your educational toolbox with additional strategies to support teachers and students.
We offer our consulting services virtually or in person and will develop a plan based on your specific needs to assist your district and schools.
We help teachers transition research-based strategies and scaffolds for English learners to online learning environments.
Our team is experienced in providing professional learning and coaching for administrators and teachers working in virtual settings.
Our focus is providing top-quality services to empower administrators and teachers with the tools they need to accelerate English learner academic and linguistic achievement. Let’s make that happen.